вторник, 21 июля 2009 г.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate / Methandriol Dipropionate

+ methandriol Blends (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) (methandriol dipropionate) Nandrolone phenylpropionate + Methylandrostenediol dipropionate (methandriol) mixture (trade name: Libriol, Tribolin, anabolic and NA) Base + nandrolone phenylpropionate ester (cypionate or decanoate ester or, respectively) Formula (base): C18 H26 O2 Formula (ester): C9 H10 O2 Molecular Weight (base): 274.4022 Melting Point (base): 122 ° C-124A Manufacturer: RWR Effective Dose (men): 200-600mgs/week (2mg/lb body) Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week Working life: 15 days Detection time: up to 18 months Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 125:37 Methylandrostenediol dipropionate Formula: C20 H32 O2 Molecular Weight: 304.4716 Molecular Weight (base): 304.4716 Molecular Weight (ester): 74.0792 Formula (base): C20 H32 O2 Formula (ester): C3 H6 O2 Melting Point (ester): 21.5C Manufacturer: RWR Effective Dose (Men): 350mg week. Effective Dose (Women): 25 mg per day. Working life: 3 days Detection time: 2 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic ratio: 30-60/20-60 Libriol Tribolan and trade names are more exotic anabolic preparation of Australian society, RWR, which is covered in mystery. NA anabolic Syd Group enters this strange combination of steroids. All they seem to be on the request of the Bodybuilding community primarily because of the mystic. I will discuss the pros and cons of this obscure drug, and if it can be in building muscle, fat melting cycles of our future. Libriol injectable veterinary product containing esters short of drugs and methandriol nandrolone. NA is rare anabolic nandrolone cypionate Tribolan and contains many estered nandrolone decanoate. Steroid.com members should immediately recognize the first drug, nandrolone. A steroid derived from the change in the molecule of testosterone, nandrolone is one of the most popular drug in the world, and rightly so, it is universal steroids, which can be used in "blowing" or "high" series. Nandrolone has many benefits for athletes coupled with unparalleled security. It has anabolic (bodybuilding) 125 rating, making it an excellent drug add beef muscle. Neither is very androgenic (which led to the development of masculine characteristics), while the androgenic ratio of only 37. Nandrolone AIDS hardcore athletes in different ways: it facilitates the retention of nitrogen in the muscle cells (1), which in turn contributes to the synthesis of muscle cells and retain more protein, it raises the level of IFR very anabolic hormone-1 in muscle tissue (2) which leads to a significant increase in the number of androgen receptors in the muscle (3). Nandrolone has been proven to improve endurance (4), increasing the number of red blood cells (5) and to accelerate the replenishment of glycogen after intense physical activity (6). One of the characteristics of members of nandrolone Steriod.com about love is its ability to reduce pain in joints and pain (7) â € "because the drug increases the rate of synthesis of collagen and increase in bone mineral density (8) (9). It has been shown that a good drug for fat loss (10), nandrolone can reduce the amount of fat under the skin and around the abdominal area (10). The amount lost, however, depends on the dose, with higher doses having the greatest overall effect (11). Nandrolone also has effects on the brain. It increases chemicals in the brain that promote aggressive behavior, which can improve the speed and power (12). nandrolone aromatization (monasteries of estrogen), but only about 20% of testosterone levels, estrogen if side effects, such as growth of breast tissue in men (gynecomastia), fat gain and retention are not major problems. Steriod.com members who use nandrolone seldom complain of androgenic side effects, such as the increase in prostate hair loss and acne. Those who are concerned about your cardiovascular health can use nandrolone without fear, research has shown that this is not a negative impact on cholesterol levels (13). nandrolone in the air in Libriol is the phenylpropionate ester, which provides rapid growth and high concentration of hormones in the blood steadily for more than four days. Nandrolone is a good product, but it is not perfect. In its chemical structure it acts directly on the women receiving hormone € "€ progesterone with an interest rate of 20% of the hormone (14). Despite the low aromatizing, this could lead to an increase in breast gyno issues. There was no panic, because the drugs letrozole (femera) or fight against it easily fulvestrant (15) reaction. High levels of prolactin, the effect of using nandrolone, but are readily available drugs like bromocriptine and cabergoline to activate the dopamine receptor to lower levels of prolactin (5). Shrunken balls (testicular atrophy) May be a problem with a high prolactin, HCG (female hormone that acts like LH when introduced into the body of a man), which are used in the cycle, maybe you can correct or prevent the condition (16). Perhaps the worst effects of nandrolone was natural that the production of testosterone: a single dose of 100 mg of nandrolone causes complete cancellation of the level of testosterone, which continues to be removed a month before returning to normal (see graph). This can lead to impotence and loss of libido, better known as the terrible "Deca Dick". The best solution to this problem is to always use testosterone with nandrolone. The second drug in the combination of these steroids is methylandrostenediol dipropionate. This is a very weak with the anabolic steroid / androgen ratio 30-60/20-60. There are a lot of muscle strength, or should be credited to methandriol, but it has several advantages that deserve to be mentioned. Research shows parent hormone 5AD promote favorable immune system (17). This is likely to prevent these patients becoming better prepared. Methandriol also has an affinity binding sites for the destruction of muscle (catabolic) glucocorticoid hormones (18) â € "blocking harm, making methandriol against catabolism. Most of the other profiles will tell you something musculation methandriol improves the potential of other steroids to "unlock the androgen receptor, and for this reason it must be stacked with other anabolic steroids. This statement is complete rubbish and it should ignore all Steroid.com members. androgen receptors are not "blocked" or "bad up on the other hand, androgens increase the number of androgen receptors (3), so methandriol would not be necessary. While the news methandriol are not good, but wait, it becomes worse. 5AD methandriol parent steroid hormone has been shown how powerful estrogenic properties "(19). More powerful than methandriol 5AD, its estrogenic effects because a member Steroid.com use of grave concern. Excessive estrogenic activity can lead to gynecomastia, get fat, water, loss of libido, and low natural production of testosterone. The bad news does not stop there; methandriol itself is associated with estrogen receptor, did not need to change the chemical composition of its unpleasant side effects. Androgen estrogen combined with the promotion of weight gain in animals better than single (20), however, and this is the real reason for the high estrogen methandriol added to other steroids, not because it "unlocks "the AR The" massive strength gains, probably from methandriol use, probably as a result of a large amount of water inside the muscle, which, when compressed to bounce light weight, even the action of a bench shirt. In addition, methandriol was also an increasing blood pressure (21). Indeed, the only well methandriol is that it has not been shown to affect lipids, so that the work is clogged blood vessels is one of the many facets that you do not have to worry this subject. Methandriol propionate is di-esters, which are actually two propionate esters with the hormone. So how can you use them in a loop? Let us Libriol for example, your first task will be to low concentrations of the hormone, in ml, 30 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate and 40 mg ml methandriol dipropionate to get the recommended 400-600 mg / week nandrolone. This would mean injecting 14-20 cc of a week. Adding other injectable recommended amount in a large volume injection. This will also give you a huge 560-800mg methandriol estrogen. May you see the same problem with Tribolan because it contains 40mg of MAD and 35 of nandrolone decanoate. Anabolic NA is not much better, with only 45mg and 30mg nandrolone cypionate MAD per ml. If you are determined (or stupid) enough to use Libriol (or any combination of these compounds), the stacking of testosterone propionate and the anti-estrogen letrozole would be the best course of action to control the mass of inflated to follow. I think you'll use on a bottle (10ml) every week if you want real anabolic effect of nandrolone / methandriol. I strongly oppose the use of drugs such as Dianabol aromatizing and anadrol, as well as testosterone enanthate or cypionate existing. I'm afraid would be too much for the average athlete. To be honest, I would not touch Libriol ten foot pole. References: 1. J acquire Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol. 1999 Feb 1; 20 (2) :137-46. 2. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Feb; 282 (2): E483-90 3. J Appl. Physiol.94 1153-61 2003 4. Med Science Sports Exerc. October 1995, 27 (10) :1385-9. 5. Drugs are the main book. 2003 6. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med. August 2001, 48 (6) :343-52 7. Steriod.com forums. 8. Metabolism. 1990 Nov; 39 (11) :1167-9 9. Am J There. 1998 Mar 5 (2) :89-95. 10. Int J Obes Related Metab Disord. 1995 Sep; 19 (9) :614-24. 11. Ann Nutr Metab. 1991, 35 (3) :141-7. 12. Med Science Sports Exerc. January 2003, 35 (1) :32-8. 13. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Dec; 283 (6): e1214-2. 14. Cancer Res 1978 Nov 38 (11 Pt 2) :4186-98 15. 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