(norethandrolone) Nilevar is one of the first oral steroids are available in the United States. It was largely a response to Searle in Dianabol, Ciba (Methandrostenolone), which was published in the same year. In fact, within Nilevar into effect on weight gain, anabolism and retain water, it is often compared to Dianabol. Seven years before the publication Nilevar at the Mayo Clinic, marked the dramatic effectiveness of cortisone in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This, in turn, has generated great interest in all aspects of steroid chemistry, endocrinology and related areas. GD Searle and immediately proceeded to the main effort of research to better identify steroids steroid as above, and the new steroid that could be used in situations where there are no other links exist. These efforts led to the introduction norethandrolone marketed in 1956 as Nilevar, the first anabolic agent with a favorable separation of proteins and virilization (which is the development of androgynous characteristics). (1) Paradoxically, in men, only the weak will produce androgenic effects (perhaps because it is disabled during the 5-alpha reductase, which we do not need to go in, please not only among men, only mild androgenic effects commonly) while women virilization very common (for women, this means the development of male physical characteristics: deeper voice, more hair growth of the body, and a tendency to leave the toilet seat up). I would not recommend this drug to women athletes, not only because of these side effects, but due to some problems of infertility, which may also be a woman, but probably not the man (5) (6). In the anabolic effect of this drug is moderate, and probably because of its relatively strong binding to the androgen receptor (which makes it very different from Dianabol, which is binding for the poor in the androgen receptor), and its ability to stimulate protein synthesis (which, together with Dianabol), and stop protein catabolism (7). Nilevar Searle was the first entry in the unique world of ASA, and this drug that ultimately led to research and to a lesser develpoment estrogen and androgen / progesteronic oxandrolone (Anavar) ten years later, and decline in popularity and use Nilevar. As you can see, although still Nilevar its own niche and purpose of athletics and fitness, but can also be an important component of any cutting or bundling of the stack ... but I get ahead of ourselves, and we need to understand some of the foundations of Nilevar first. Eye on the molecular structure of the product says it is a 19-nor steroids, meaning that it could / should have the same characteristics as nandrolone, which is why it is often called "Deca orale. Although it is a gross simplification of the drug is easier to start when describing this connection. norethandrolone, shares many characteristics with injectable nandrolone, it is also aromatization and progesterone. This means that it can turn to estrogen (aromatization since it), as well as shape and stimulates progesterone receptors (such as progestin). And, unfortunately, progestins fell into the category of compounds strongly suppressive gonadotrophin) (3), and it also means that the majority of the subsidiary will not be 100% of the desired effect, especially as Nolvadex will not help in May and hurt by the increase of progesterone receptors (4 ). In the 19-nor structure of this complex, as well as injectable nandrolone, suggests that it may be stopping the natural production of testosterone and HPTA (a term used to describe a number of hormones and interdependence processes, in your endocrine system). It's all at the same time, cause side effects such as gyno, acne, and water (with the dreaded "good eye"). If I'll use Nilevar, I take the anti-progesteronic on your hands (preferably Bromocriptine that I take a dose 2.5mgs/day, letrozole and maybe some that I use to, 5 mg / day of control and retention of estrogen) and the typical use of the ISA support with others, as soon as the fight or eliminate the process that the ASA is converted to estrogen or fight or eliminate estrogen itself. Unfortunately, we struggle with side effects of estrogen and progesterone, when we use Nilevar. On the positive side is the 19-nor compound, it should be noted that you can also enjoy many of the positive effects of other compounds, including including relatively strong binding to the androgen receptor, which is positively correlated with lypolysis (fat burning).. (2) While at first glance, I would say that you should consider that Nilevar "bulking" type of drug I speculate that if you use it to keep water retention to a minimum when using this compound (for this purpose, I have already recommended Femera), it can be used successfully in the cycle dramatic. Users who have pain in the joints may find using Nilevar similar, as they would with a bridge, unfortunately, even if, as Nilevar is an oral steroid, it can not be used for the same term as Dean, therefore, joint use of aid at the probably-against possible issues with hepatoxicity (liver toxicity), resulting from its 17-alpha alkylated. On the positive side, because it is an active member and orally, not 19 or estrified injectable drugs (eg, Dean), its metabolites are likely to cleanse the body in much less time than the injections, usually estimated at about 5 weeks. I also suggests that the novel in the use of this medication May be in the middle / end of the grave or powerlifting bulking cycle (which does not, either another compound 19), when Nilevar can be used in a month, with the heaviest lifting is involved, and collaborative care (and it is clear that the anabolic effect), it provides could allow the athlete to lift heavier than it is usually possible. There are many other oral on the market that can be used for anabolism, cutting, bundling, and all consequences, however, that no one will provide a common support Nilevar that should / could. For this reason, Nilevar always a goal in cycles heavy, if it can be obtained. Before we put it in the next stack, it should be noted that this is rarely (if ever, more) to forge, and even more rare on the black market. It has not been much in demand and, in fact, was removed from shelves in the United States (and the first sale in France but also in Australia and Switzerland), but it takes on the shelves of the America, of course, does not mean it is not useful. Apparently, Arthur Jones, was committed to its athletes on the topic (instead of the more popular Dianabol) and Bill Pearl almost certainly used as a principal agent, and the whole cycle (10mgs/day), after which Mr. Universe win, and I will not be surprised if Casey Mentzer brothers and friends touched Nilevar. Based on the fact that these guys seem to have one, I would guess that the drug (and perhaps still) the most often used for grouping, as well as large powerlifters and other athletes are not concerned about staying in a weight category. Better to find this material, either by a source that has a "connection" in the pharmacy, you're probably looking at a price of .20 -. 40 cents per 10mg tablet (it comes in tablets of 10 mg). As I said, it is not easily accessible, thus creating more sellers market and, secondly, because it is not in high demand, it could become a buyer's market. In any case, I would not be happy to pay more than 25 cents per tab. Nilevar Cycle It allows you to see where that leaves us in the design cycle using Nilevar: We want to be in the form of testosterone in this cycle, regardless of whether we will use Nilevar bulk or cut, remember, Nilevar will probably reduce natural levels of testosterone in this country. He suggested that to begin with, we discuss the use of testosterone injections around 400-500mgs/week to be sure that we replace the testosterone that we will not produce naturally. In bulking cycle, we should use longer ester testosterone (or Testosterone cypionate Testosterone Enanthenate), and drama, no doubt, we wish to examine the use of a short ester (testosterone propionate is the most popular for cutting cycles but anecdotally, it seems, less water). We will avoid any form of injectable nandrolone (nandrolone decanoate, nandrolone phenyl-propionate, etc. ..) and any form of trenbolone, in this cycle, because we do not want to stack 2 and progestins ( as nandrolone and trenbolone, progestins). So what we have with several other medications we can stack Nilevar and testosterone. I propose to use the balance (boldenone Undeclyenate) on bulking cycle with 400-600mg. This is the dual objective of maintaining the height of your red blood cells (which is important for anabolism) as well as maintaining a high appetite. In the cutting cycle, I propose the use of Masteron (drostanolone), at 400-500mgs/week, perhaps, was injected with the same frequency as testosterone propionate. Now I would like to propose for the hand probably Bromocriptine and its use, if you start to take too much water or develop gynocomastia. I would say quite 1.25mgs-2.5mgs/day (which will progesteronic preventing side effects, but also stimulate fat burning), and this recommendation, even if you decide to use Nilevar bulking or cutting cycle . We are not going to use other oral in the loop, or, as we have already mentioned Nilevar hepatoxic properties, and we do not want too much stress on our liver. Unlike most oral, I propose to use Nilevar 20-40mgs/day in the middle of a cycle, rather than at the beginning, much of your disk is when the fruits of the joint protection of Nilevar. Here are our 2-cycle, the first grouping and the second for cutting: Week of testosterone Nilevar EQ (CYP or enanthic) Week Nilevar testosterone Masteron (propionate) A good post cycle therapy should be followed after one of these cycles (or any ring containing Nilevar), and personally, I would like to use: 500IU/day HCG for 3 weeks and 20mg of Nolvadex for 4-6 weeks, from the end of weeks after the end of the cycle. Remember that both cycles should include the use of Bromocriptine on 1.25-2.5mgs/day fight progesteronic side effects, and .5-1mg/day in conservation and the fight Femera estrogen side effects Nilevar (norethandrolone) Profile [17-alpha-ethyl-19-Nor-4-androstene-3-One, 17b-OL] Molecular Weight: 302.4558 Formula: C20 H30 O2 Melting point: 130-136 Manufacturer: Searle Release Date (U.S. $): 1956 Effective dose: 20-40mgs/day Active Life: 12-16 hours Detection time: 5 weeks Anabolic / Androgenic Ratio (Range): 100-200/22-55 References: Steroids. December 1992, 57 (12) :624-30. Xu X et al. "The impact of androgens on the regulation of lipolysis in fat cells. Endocrinology 1990 Feb; 126 (2): 1229 Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2003 Apr, 58 (4) :506-12 Gynecol Oncol. 1999 Mar; 72 (3) :331-6. J Reprod Fertil. December 1966, 12 (3) :489-99 Contraception. 1975 Feb; 11 (2) :193-207 Lancet. 25 October 1958, 2 (7052) :885-6 500mg - 400mg 500mg - 400mg 500mg - 400mg 500mg - 400mg - 40mg 500mg - 400mg - 40mg 500mg - 400mg - 40mg 500mg - 400mg - 40mg 500mg - 400mg - 40mg 500mg - 400mg - 40mg 500mg - 400mg 500mg - 400mg 500mg - 400mg 500mg - 600mg 500mg - 600mg 500mg - 600mg 500mg - 600mg - 40mg 500mg - 600mg - 40mg 500mg - 600mg - 40mg 500mg - 600mg - 40mg 500mg - 600mg - 40mg 500mg - 600mg - 40mg 500mg - 600mg 500mg - 600mg 500mg - 600mg
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