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In this case, sooner or later the huge expansion of means of production would unavoidably lead to a huge increase steroids ru the means of con- sumption placed on steroids ru market. Under no circumstances should the accumulation of capital be confused with the purely functional role of the latter (the money phase of capital circulation). However, these processes do not run smoothly, but complete themselves in contradictions, both those which reveal themselves in the permanent variations of the capitalist system, and the others which express themselves jn violent convulsions. But this accumulation can reflect, as steroids ru have shown, events which are greatly different from actual accumulation. Mr Tugan-Baranovsky, on the other hand, has basically formulated the question precisely steroids ru the first way, despite all his 'models'. steroids ru product is present simultaneously in various stages of its manufacture. Additional money, newly produced surplus value, which is steroids ru for accumulation, accumulation of money capital - all these amounts on no account overlap each other. (We note in passing that the gold producer, according to Comrade Luxemburg's point of view, is at steroids ru same time both a stupid and an unnatural being, since he is continually rejecting the gold form of his product. But where do they get them steroids ru they themselves have sold them). But once one has asked the question and initiated the investigation on the lines of capital circulation and social reproduction one steroids ru look for the answer in the realms of simple commodity circulation and then- since the problem does steroids ru exist here and cannot be answered - retro- spectively explain that the problem has been answered long ago, it does not exist at all. At all events, that already leads us beyond the frame of reference of the question steroids ru first posed. condition for this is steroids ru into money, the universal realization of profit. Let us take the social capital in its commodity-form, the, commodity-mash' of Comrade Rosa Luxemburg. Hence, the triteness consists in the fact that the speed of conversion is neglected, the existence of credit ignored, etc. Let us assume that the entire profit destined for accumulation consisted of gold, in accordance with the partly obscure, partly extremely ambiguous wishes of Comrade Rosa Luxemburg. And if there were no demand for these means of consumption, there would take place an unavoid- able and devastating collapse, in which precisely that connexion between production and consumption whose existence is denied by our' paradoxical' Tugan would come into force with primitive violence.
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