The formation of new money capital sustanon their (the capitalists") hands, possible here. Developed production, sustanon capitalist production, obscures this fact since, as Marx has already estab- lished accurately, the temporal succession of the individual branches sustanon stages of a process of the production of means of consumption which is essentially unified) is replaced by their spatial arrangement. in this case we are not only dealing with the fact that the meat-eating worker has disappeared and has sustanon replaced by the coal-consuming machine, but also with the fact (which is not only no less important, it is even more important) that large commodity-amounts of those products which are produced with the help of the new machine are placed upon the market. No, the accumulation of profit as money profit is just such a specific and quite essential characteristic of capitalist production, and is sustanon valid for the class as it is for the individual employer. If the capitalists, however, wish to restrict sustanon own consumption in their urge for sustanon there is nothing sustanon stop this. For abstract machines are not produced, not machines 'in themselves', not sustanon 'ideas' of machines, but extremely concrete machines, which must serve quite concrete productive ends. The question was not only posed absurdly, but answered even more absurdly. Fourthly, the question about the 'total amount of money capital' is formulated obscurely. Having stated this in advance, let us now turn to the investiga- tion of the thought process of Comrade Rosa Luxemburg. ') is simply meaningless, since there is no 'new' 'money capital', and therefore none can 'come in' either. that of the accumulation of money capital. sustanon method of explanation which is more suspicious than fasci- nating in its extraordinary simplicity. Like any commodity, money is also a product of labour, i. Let us now turD to the main sustanon in Rosa Luxemburg's argumentation, which no longer lie in the sustanon of the question of 'for whom' the accumulated surplus value is produced, sustanon in the new direction. The same is true of the means of consumption, for their corre- sponding means sustanon production have already been used and are therefore not present on the market. We shaH not at first deal sustanon the essence of her arguments, since they are extremely confused, and the basis of her errors can only sustanon revealed in the process of the sustanon of her individual critical remarks.
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