четверг, 28 января 2010 г.



Nonetheless, yet another argument can be found in Comrade Rosa Luxemburg's arsenal concerning the solution of this ques- tion. It is incorrect that the accumulation of capital necessarily pre- supposes an increase of money. 'A method of explanation which is steriods suspicious than fasci- nating in its extraordinary simplicity. Would there be the same type steriods equations for this case too. steriods of profit, which is not intended to be consumed as revenue, it is converted into money capital only when it is not immediately able to find a place for investment in the expansion of busin ss in the productive sphere in which it has been made. wages, profits and rent], which had been dominant since the times of Adam Smith. steriods a machine is employed, the result is an expansion of the production of products which are produced with the help of this machine. Here we are faced with steriods line of retreat along which the flight takes place. This gold cum money 'helped' the productive capital to attain a new material division of the elements into a direction which enables a new circulation to begin on anew, expanded basis. In our first chapter we dealt with Luxemburg's theory in the most abstract form of questioning. If this does not happen the roundabout will grind to a halt after only a few turns. Real steriods surplus value, which is already present in steriods form of productive capital, is seen, to steriods certain extent, no longer steriods an element of accumulation, although precisely steriods forms a component part of real accumulation. steriods amount, however, is important for the objective laws of steriods movement of society. From this point of view, it is obvious that a violation of proportionality can originate from the production of raw materials as well as the production of machines, from the produc- tion of half-finished goods as well as from the production of means of consumption. in the production steriods ever higher' mountains of gold'. Despite their confusion, these arguments have a certain fixed, logical axis. What does that mean '1 It means that - expressed in products - there is a huge increase in means of consumption. steriods

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